Supply Preachers

Below is a list of people, listed by association, who are willing to supply preach.  You will find their church home, church pastor, short biography, availability, and distance willing to travel.  While all supply preachers have been vetted through their pastor, the Dakota Baptist Convention does not guarantee the quality or theological positions of these men.

Vetted Supply Preachers by Association

Badlands Baptist Association

Black Hills Baptist Association

Brett Backhaus: attends Hills of Grace. Reference: Pastor Jimmy Dettman (pastor.jimmy.dettman*gmail-com).  You can reach Brett at brett.backhaus*gmail-com.

Ron Estes: attends Christ Church. Reference: Pastor Garvon Golden (pastor*christchurchrc-com).  You can reach Ron at rone57702*hotmail-com.

Ron currently works at Christ Church as the Administrative Assistant to the Pastor.  He has been supply preaching for 3+ years and enjoys helping pastors out.

Wayland Holbrook: attends Rapid Valley Baptist.  You can reach Wayland at souldoctor*rushmore-com.

Keith McCraw: attends Christ Church. Reference: Pastor Garvon Golden (pastor*christchurchrc-com). You can reach Keith at pastor.keith.mccraw*gmail-com.

Chris Orr: attends Christ Church.  Reference: Pastor Garvon Golden (pastor*christchurchrc-com). You can reach Chris at or chris*orrweather-com.

Chris is an elder at Christ Church and has been teaching and preaching for more than 30 years. He has been trained in Transitional Pastor Ministry and holds certificates in Hebrew Bible Studies and Jewish Studies. He can travel anywhere in the Dakotas and beyond.

Heartland Baptist Association

Julian Burgess: Home church/pastor – Wagon Wheel Cowboy Church.  Available year-round and willing to travel to any location within the Dakotas.  You can reach Julian at southdakotacowboy10*gmail-com.

Vernon Dalstein, Jr: Home church/pastor.  Available year-round and willing to travel 200 miles to the North of Aberdeen and 150 miles to the South of Aberdeen.  You can reach Vernon at vdalstein*trinitybiblecollege-edu.

Vernon was raised in a Southern Baptist Church in Missouri.  He has been a licensed Southern Baptist minister since 1979.  He resides in Ellendale, ND and is currently an Associate Professor in Mathematics at Trinity Bible College.

Buck Hill: NAMB Missions Director for Dakota Baptist Convention.  Available year-round and willing to travel to any location within the Dakotas.  You can reach Buck at buck*dakotabaptist-com.

Buck is currently serving as the State Missions Director for the Dakotas.  He has been working for the state convention for over 20 years.  He has also been a church planter and pastor in the Dakotas.

Northland Baptist Association

Prairie Partners Baptist Association

Siouxland Baptist Association

South Valley Baptist Association

Application for Supply Preacher

If you would like to be added to the list, please fill out the form below.